Hurricane Superhero: Wind Tornado Vegas Mafia – adventures of a superhero in an open three-dimensional world, which urgently needs to be freed from criminal elements. There is no hope for the police, so the main character will have to take the situation under his own control. Surprising abilities help the character to successfully resist the mortal danger – he knows how to control lightning, tornadoes, virtuoso and without insurance climb steep walls, masterfully owns firearms and melee weapons.
Immersion in the cycle of criminal showdowns is preceded by customization of the appearance of the ward – decide on the style and color of the suit, add the accessories that you think are missing, provide the champion of the law with weapons by visiting the in-game store. Pistols, automatic rifles, shotguns, heavy machine guns, a Molotov cocktail, a grenade launcher, body armor – with such an arsenal on the city streets, the character will not be equal.
- travel through the streets and buildings of Las Vegas with important missions along the way;
- throw an arsenal of weapons and super abilities against enemies;
- master the skill of driving different types of vehicles;
- change the external style and ammunition of the main character.
In addition, dozens of vehicles from ordinary motorcycles and cars to helicopters, tanks and fighter jets are at the service of the newly-minted fighter against global crime. Complete twenty challenging third-person shooter missions Hurricane Superhero: Wind Tornado Vegas Mafia , gaining an unforgettable survival experience in an aggressive and extremely dangerous world.
Hurricane Superhero Tornado download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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