Shadow Knight is the journey of the protagonist named Noah through a fantasy world filled with darkness and terrifying creatures. The previously prosperous universe of Harmony plunged into darkness, and all its inhabitants became hostages of zombies that had risen from oblivion. With frightening screams, clawed paws stretched upwards, husks break through the ground and slowly wander towards any living creature that is in sight.
The valiant knight has something to oppose the armies of Darkness – a fiery sword that mercilessly cuts rotten flesh, and a couple of super blows that leave no chance for enemies to survive. But as you advance around the world, the hero is forced to meet more and more powerful ghouls and massive bosses on the way, so upgrade your skills, upgrade weapons, unlock magical runes and powerful artifacts in between military campaigns.
- 2D action-adventure with elements of role-playing development;
- colorful special effects with play of shadows and light and quick animation;
- stack simple punches into killer combinations;
- special rewards for completing difficult quests;
- control of active buttons and joystick;
- pump skills and weapons of the hero;
- enemies of different types and strengths.
Explore city cemeteries, dense forests, villainous halls, suffocating dungeons and other locations. Fight against land enemies and flying monsters, decaying flesh and mechanical warriors Shadow Knight – give the universe a second chance at life, and perpetuate your own name in the annals of history.
Shadow Knights download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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