Anime: The Last Battle of The Cosmos – a collection of legendary characters from the anime universe is available to connoisseurs of active gameplay, success in which consists not only of the gamer’s ability to activate the buttons in a timely manner, putting them into effective shock combinations. One of the main components of a successful ascent to the top of the global ranking lies in the evolution of your wards, pumping their combat talents, researching new epic abilities and unexpected tricks for enemies. But a visual guide will tell you everything in order, having previously offered to choose a more user-friendly control option.
Katsuki Bakugo, Meliodas, Izuku Midoriya, Itachi Uchiha – these and many other characters from the legendary anime universes appear in battles, but most of them are “locked” at the start, and to open, you need to pay the amount of game coins agreed upon by the developers. The same applies to the cards – there are twelve of them, but the prices for unlocking are not democratic to call the language, it will take a long time to save up for the opportunity to change the environment, defeating enemies in the already pretty boring battle arenas.
Teleportation behind the opponent’s back, a swift dash, the use of blocks with a reciprocal lightning counterattack, all kinds of combinations and epic strikes – to memorize the entire combat arsenal of each fighter Anime: The Last Battle of The Cosmos will not be easy, but it will significantly increase percentage of successful completion of each match. The battle continues until the health bar of one of the participants is reset to zero – the winner celebrates success and collects the regalia put to him after the battle.
Anime: The Last Battle of The Cosmos download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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