Rabbids Appisodes is an exciting continuation of the animated series about Rabid Bunnies in the format of an interactive game. Children will have to help the Crazy Bunnies to do any of their activities – to be naughty and outrageous.
The game should be controlled by gestures on the screen and by tilting the mobile device:
- Throw eggs with gestures;
- Point touch on the screen to indicate targets – rabbits, which, when they hit them, emit a stunning “BAAA!”;
- Tilt left or right to keep the rabbits from falling.
The plot of the game is divided into episodes. Episodes are implemented as mini-games — puzzles:
- Collect puzzles;
- Look for hidden objects;
- Complete quests.
The player’s task is to solve puzzles. The task ofRaging Bunnies is to prevent the player from completing tasks. The game develops in children fine motor skills of hands, and coordination of visual and muscular reactions.
As you play, you can collect stickers and puzzle pieces that kids can set as wallpaper on their parent’s desktop.
- Rabbids Appisodes is completely free to play;
- The game is regularly updated with new episodes – mini-games.
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