Smeshariki: Desires is a children’s game based on the Russian animated series Smeshariki. The animated series was created as part of the educational project of the Ministry of Culture of Russia “A World Without Violence”.
Smeshariki are spherical funny creatures living in a fairyland. The characters in this story all the time find themselves in some kind of trouble, which turns out to be an educational adventure for children.
“Smeshariki: Desires” is an interactive animated film in which children take a direct part: they help the heroine of the game solve game problems. – for preschoolers, this is not a simple, albeit fun, entertainment, but a game that develops cognitive abilities.
The game also develops fine motor skills of hands, logic and attention of children. It has 24 levels – each next level is more difficult than the previous one. The gameplay is accompanied by music that stimulates mental activity.
Смешарики. Желания download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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