Upin & Ipin KST Prologue is an adventure game for children based on the Malaysian animated series about the adventures of two curious five-year-old twins named Upin and Ipin. The main characters were left orphans early and are brought up in a village kindergarten, and their curiosity and restlessness often involve the boys in exciting adventures. The developer devoted a whole game series to these characters, and the presented novelty is a prologue – get to know the environment of the kids and explore every nook and cranny of the Durian Runtukh village, completing various tasks.
New Upin & Ipin KST Prologue can be easily attributed to the genre of interactive stories, since the characters regularly have to interact with the environment, for example, look for items from the list, explore the premises of the kindergarten and surrounding locations step by step, play hide and seek with friends, catch animals , complete other simple but exciting missions. By the way, the main characters can communicate with other characters, and this communication should not be avoided, since conversations presented in audio format (duplicated by text) can help in completing levels and give the gamer a couple of valuable tips.
Control System Upin & Ipin KST Prologue consists of a virtual joystick, as well as a pair of buttons (choice and action), but in the process of testing the comfort from such a choice of the developer, we did not experience it, everything slows down, and the character does not want to follow in any direction in a given direction . Although it is possible that this is just a problem of insufficient optimization, which will be fixed with new updates. So, take control of two restless kids and go on an exciting adventure together with them!
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