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Rugged Rovers


Download APK for Android 2.3+ 1.1.0 Free 28.03 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Create a unique rover and test it on outlandish tracks

Screenshot Rugged Rovers 1
Screenshot Rugged Rovers 2
Screenshot Rugged Rovers 3
Screenshot Rugged Rovers 4
Screenshot Rugged Rovers 5

Rugged Rovers – use your imagination and design skills to create a unique rover and test it on rough terrain. The gameplay consists of two independent stages – the creation of a bizarre apparatus and the race itself. Many nuances will have to be taken into account by the user, creating a space machine that can easily overcome huge boulders, deep craters and other obstacles of the explored planet.

Preparation for the competitive race takes place in an impromptu garage, where the user will design and eccentric-looking equipment. Initially, only the engine is available, but the user will have to draw the outlines of the cabin on their own with a finger. At the final stage, it remains to equip the rover with resizable wheels – think about how many elements will be needed, as well as where they will be located.


  • realistic physics taking into account the gravity of a distant planet;
  • difficult tests in a highly competitive environment;
  • global ranking and personal achievements;
  • develops design and engineering skills.

During the race on the surface of a planet or satellite, little depends on the player, since the rover behaves according to the inherent design features. Most of the way will have to be overcome with the help of wheels, but after filling the indicators with energy, you can activate the engine and fly some distance over the surface of the planet. Set records, earn achievements Rugged Rovers and share the results with your friends.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 2.3 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.preloaded.RuggedRovers
Developer Science Museum
License Free app
Date updated Sep 6, 2021
Number of downloads 39
Available languages

English (+76 localizations)

Download Rugged Rovers

Download Rugged Rovers (1.1.0) APK
ARMv7, x86
28.03 MB

How to Install Rugged Rovers on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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