Blades Tale is an Asian-inspired multiplayer role-playing epic set under the crowns of magnificent cherry blossoms. It is under the crowns of cherries, illuminated by the light of the moon, that three characters appear before the user in all their splendor, one of which is destined to become the main one in the combat journey. Man, woman and miniature girl – each of the heroes relies on four classes to choose from, two melee and two ranged.
Before an independent journey, the newly appeared savior of the universe Ushia from evil will have to run around the streets of a Japanese village to his heart’s content, communicating with colorful and very successful characters in military affairs. They will train the hero in combat talents, help strengthen morale and give a powerful incentive to future achievements. Additionally, it is at this stage that the fighter will be able to acquire a mount – pick a couple of carrots and present a treat to a giant rabbit to earn his loyalty.
- a journey through the fantasy Middle Ages, full of epic combat events;
- tame mounts and use wings for spectacular flights;
- Chat with other players and complete challenges together;
- joystick, buttons and swipe controls.
Having completed all the story quests in one location Blades Tale, we are smoothly transferred to another zone, which meets the fighter with more difficult tests and strong enemies. Only by pumping the skills and parameters of the character, supplying reinforcing relics and reliable equipment, it is just right to count on success and the total destruction of evil forces.
Blades Tale download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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