Hero Wars: Alliance is a role-playing adventure in the Dominion universe, which has recently become an arena for sorting out the relationship between respectable residents and aggressor demons led by the supreme Archdemon. A team of heroes, each endowed with their own unique skills, can liberate the land from evil.
Initially, the knight Galahad sets out on a liberation journey, armed with a sword and endowed with the skills Steel Skies, Unstoppable Onslaught, Vengeance and others. Very soon, the character will be joined by the fiery angel Astaroth, who brings down Fiery Cover and Devastation on the heads of enemies, and the healer Thea, who masterfully masters the skills of the Sanctuary of the Sun, Vow of Silence and Second Wind.
The goal of the game is to remove the curse from the rest of the team and improve the combat characteristics of the warriors through the use of equipment and soul stones. The story mode systematically guides the user through an entertaining storyline, supported by clear and practically useful dialogues.
- RPG journey through the tormented Dominion, supplemented with puzzle elements;
- gather a team of powerful heroes to fight against demons;
- increase the level of fighters with artifacts and improved equipment;
- bright cartoon graphics.
Having gained experience in the single-player mode of the game Hero Wars, you should pay attention to multiplayer battles in PvP arenas, battles with bosses, and themed events with valuable rewards. And do not ignore offers to join the brotherhood, with which the chance of achieving success in the field of liberating the world from evil will increase many times over.
Hero Wars download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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