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Knights of Pen & Paper 2



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Gather a squad of heroes, explore dangerous dungeons and fight enemies in this exciting turn-based retro adventure

Video of Knights of Pen & Paper 2
Screenshot Knights of Pen & Paper 2 1
Screenshot Knights of Pen & Paper 2 2
Screenshot Knights of Pen & Paper 2 3
Screenshot Knights of Pen & Paper 2 4
Screenshot Knights of Pen & Paper 2 5
Screenshot Knights of Pen & Paper 2 6
Screenshot Knights of Pen & Paper 2 7

The continuation of the once popular turn-based adventure Knights of Pen & Paper 2: RPG has been released with some modifications and improvements. This is just a restless team of treasure hunters and adventure lovers. The application is also made in a retro style so that the unique pixel graphics remind us of old 16-bit consoles. But still, the graphics in this version look a little better than in the first part of the game.
Only here you will find a lot of dangerous troubles and many adventures. Customize your squad and upgrade each hero. Let each of the team characters be responsible for their own direction and improve their characteristics. The selection of characters is carried out at the beginning of the game and you should choose one of the provided representatives of the unique races.

This is a well-thought-out story campaign that consists of dozens of new and colorful locations. You have to conquer dungeons and participate in numerous battles. Explore dangerous underground passages and complete new tasks and quests. A fully customizable squad of volunteers can be highly upgraded and provide each of the fighters with a unique package of combat characteristics.

The expanded equipment system and unique crafting in this version of the game provide you and your team with a good selection of races. These can be both elves and gnomes with their own equipment and specific tasks. You can be a role-playing master and a casual player at the same time. As a regular player, you will be able to complain to your master.

Knights of Pen & Paper 2 has a special turn-based battle system. At the very beginning, you need to determine the type of upcoming attack, the type of weapons and abilities that will be used during the attack by each of the heroes. Next, your opponent makes the next move. Your tactical capabilities are determined not only by the quantity, but also by the quality of the players on the team. Organize powerful joint attacks between players.

This game will be of interest to fans of classic role-playing games, as you will have many interesting hints and jokes at your disposal. This is a charming retro game that was created using pixel graphics. Feel the tradition of fantasy video games and become the best player in Knights of Pen & Paper 2 by creating your own batch of hungry new heroes.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.paradoxplaza.kopp2
Developer Northica
License Free app
Date updated Jun 24, 2024
Available languages

English (+83 localizations)

Download Knights of Pen & Paper 2

Download Knights of Pen & Paper 2 (2.11.1) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
136.85 MB

How to Install Knights of Pen & Paper 2 on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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