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Wizarding MMORPG

Download for Android 27.25 MB free

Write your amazing magical story

After the triumphant march through the world of the augmented reality game Pokemon Go, many developers of mobile projects began to exploit this concept – most simply copied the aforementioned product, but the Mawa studio decided to go much further and create a completely independent and atmospheric MMORPG . True, at present the game is still in beta testing and many functions are only planned for introduction, but to get a general idea of ​​​​the new product, this will be enough.

Maguss – Wizarding MMORPG is a free role-playing project, crossed with augmented reality technology, which is made in the setting of the magical world (a la Harry Potter). Arm yourself with a magic wand, the role of which is played by an Android device, and go to the streets of your city – explore hidden places, collect rare ingredients for making potions, countless treasures with game currency and valuable items, practice magic spells and fight against numerous representatives of an amazing fairy-tale world .

In addition to single-player or corporate raids in the world of Maguss , users can join an alliance that practices black or light magic – PvP battles with enemies earn reputation and experience necessary for further development. As we have already said, the main gaming tool is a smartphone, but if you don’t mind spending about $40, then you can become the happy owner of a special magic wand with which the game acquires a completely new sacred meaning – there is a big aesthetic difference, waving a smartphone or a physical “magic » instrument.

After starting and setting up the character, you can join any magical order – currently there are four of them and they differ from each other in ideology, fighting style, as well as a list of basic and ultimate abilities. It remains to download Maguss – Wizarding MMORPG and look at the familiar world from a different angle – go to the streets of your native city towards new adventures, unexpected meetings and epic battles, step by step exploring the mysterious world of this revolutionary in terms of its capabilities and development prospects of your ward android games.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Maguss 1
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Screenshot Maguss 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 1.01

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.maguss.maguss
Author (Developer) maguss
License Free app
Date updated Jan 28, 2019
Number of downloads 127
Genre Role playing / Mobile gaming

Download Maguss - Wizarding MMORPG

Get the Latest Version (1.01) - Free & Safe Download

Download Maguss apk 1.01
File size: 27.25 MB armeabi-v7a, x86 Original full version without MODs

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