Sword Fantasy Online Anime RPG takes place in a magical world inspired by Japanese manga, where players from all over the world explore it, seek adventure, form alliances and fight enemies. The key aspects of the game are the following:
- Gameplay: Players control female characters with unique sword and magic skills, ranging from simple moves to combo attacks. Characters can form leagues, coordinating tactics against enemy player alliances to expand their territory.
- Enemies: The main antagonists are 12 classes of dungeon bosses such as black knights, golems, titans, vampires and predators who fight to spread fear and chaos. Players must learn the abilities of the black knights in order to exploit their weaknesses.
- Controls: Unlike traditional MMORPGs that require two hands, this game is designed for vertical screens and can be played with one hand, making it easy to play on the go.
Resources and Characters: Players must search for resources and unlock new characters by completing quests. The best players receive rewards. - Game world: The dungeon-like world is divided into locations such as Albion, Ragnarok, Asgard, Avalon and Atlantis.
- Game Modes: Players can participate in online multiplayer mode or idle mode, where characters continue to complete tasks while the player is offline.
- Social Elements: Players can communicate, compete, join clans, go on dates and participate in various social activities within the game.
- Narration: The main storyline is intertwined with mini-games in which players discover new resources and meet other players.
- Dynamic gameplay: The game algorithm ensures that each player’s action affects the surrounding game environment, and the impact is determined by the cumulative effect of previous actions.
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