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Tower of Fantasy



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Fight the forces of darkness and explore a mysterious world in an exciting fantasy adventure

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Screenshot Tower of Fantasy 5
Screenshot Tower of Fantasy 6

The popular game Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION will take you on an exciting journey through the open game world. Here you are sure to find your niche in this exciting fantasy adventure. It’s a mixture of atmospheric science fiction with dozens of interesting characters with whom you need to interact at different stages of the gameplay.

The graphics in this game deserve all the praise; it can easily be considered one of the best. The developers put a lot of effort and worked out every detail in detail so that the player can feel the whole atmosphere of the events in which the events take him. All the characters and an exciting world that is full of all sorts of secrets and secrets are perfectly combined here.

A fully adapted game and character control system is ideal for smartphone owners, since all elements are located under the fingers of both hands. You will not have any difficulties at any stage of the game, and controlling characters while moving or in battle will always bring pleasure and excitement.

Once in the game world, you will find yourself among beautiful and lush meadows, generously overgrown with grass and other green plants. Beautiful lakes with crystal clear water, paths and meadows flooded with warm sunlight do not reveal that this is all a sham. In fact, fierce and bloodthirsty creatures and evil enemies live here.

According to the game’s scenario, the forces of darkness have captured the planet and want to destroy the entire living population. Your task is to show the best fighting qualities and use special techniques to fight evil. You must constantly improve your skills and involve other heroes in the process of resistance, taking into account their unique properties.

Experience this huge alien world and explore its resources. Equip each character and let them represent your playstyle. Explore the open world and take part in epic battles. Travel and acquire equipment to perform powerful attacks and other combinations. This is a high-end sci-fi shooter where you have to fight a serious and dangerous enemy. Install Tower of Fantasy on your mobile device and find out about it all right now.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 7.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer Level Infinite
License Free app
Date updated Apr 30, 2024
Number of downloads 9
Available languages

English (+90 localizations)

Download Tower of Fantasy

Download Tower of Fantasy (3.8.0) APK
1318.09 MB

How to Install Tower of Fantasy on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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