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Esports in the format of exhausting competitions

Crisis Action: 7th Anniversary is a multiplayer shooter that captures the best of Counter-Strike, complete with believable shooting physics, active interaction between teams of real gamers, and offers them to take advantage of an impressive arsenal of shooting weapons, as well as special equipment during intense fights. Fortunately, the developers of the HERO Game studio did not forget about the single-player mode either, but it is mainly used to improve the shooting skills of a novice player, a kind of training ground. The user will be asked to familiarize himself with all the nuances at the first launch of the project – the interface is replete with details, each of which has its own function and semantic load.

The team shooter Crisis Action attracts the attention of the gamer already at the start with colorful inscriptions and great deals. In the first tab, they invite you to become the owner of weapon regalia, in the second – to watch thematic videos, in the third – to read the built-in chat with the correspondence of active players or to test new equipment. When the user has mastered the main points, one can think about joining an existing guild, try their luck in a special roulette, or take part in a prestigious championship. When the string of messages is depleted, you can completely surrender to almost complete freedom of action, reveling in the results achieved and the perspectives that open up in stages.

The character selected from the list of proposed candidates is controlled by the usual on-screen joystick, and with the help of other active buttons, the user can change equipment, weapons, seat the fighter on one knee or force him to lie on the ground. In many ways, the available functionality depends on the current game mode and the type of battles. And I must say, there are just a huge number of them – skirmishes with the walking dead, team fights, capture of enemy bases, and so on. The possibility of creating your own exclusive maps adds a special charm to the Crisis Action project – that’s where there is complete expanse for design creativity and flight of thought. In short, it is a crime to miss this novelty – install it on your mobile Android device and start building your military career!

Screen Captures

Screenshot Crisis Action 1
Screenshot Crisis Action 2
Screenshot Crisis Action 3
Screenshot Crisis Action 4
Screenshot Crisis Action 5

Technical specifications of the latest version 4.6.1

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.4 (Kit Kat) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.herogames.gplay.crisisactionsa
Author (Developer) HK Hero Entertainment Co., Limited
License Free app
Date updated May 17, 2024
Number of downloads 1935
Genre Shooting games / Mobile gaming

English (+104 localizations)

Download Crisis Action: 7th Anniversary

Get the Latest Version (4.6.1) - Free & Safe Download

Download Crisis Action apk 4.6.1
File size: 93.32 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a Original full version without MODs

Old versions

Crisis Action 4.4.10 Android 4.4+ (66.42 MB)
Crisis Action 4.1.6 Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4+ (53.32 MB)
Crisis Action 4.1.1 Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4+ (43.80 MB)

All versions

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Global rating: 3.5 (877.9K)

Crisis Action download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.

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