Bee Factory is a casual honey factory simulator with constant development and expansion of the virtual farm. Perhaps this is the only project of its kind that exploits such a theme, so all gamers who are tired of ordinary and the same type of simulators, this new product is required to be familiarized. And don’t be confused by the rustic graphics with animation, as well as the complete absence of musical accompaniment – the value of the product is not at all in the picture, but in the concept and the main idea.
Initially, in Bee Factory there is an acute quantitative deficit, both of the workers of the bees themselves and of the dimensions of the main hive. Therefore, it is so important to immediately direct all efforts and resources to the modernization of a loss-making economy, which is implemented in the form of familiar taps for selected elements. With each improvement made, the number of bees and honeycombs increases, bringing more honey and other beekeeping products. Simultaneously with the upgrade of the striped hard workers themselves and their conditions of detention, it is necessary to improve the conveyor, which is directly responsible for the production of sweet bricks from honey for sale.
In addition to regular taps, sometimes you will need to speed up a slowly moving conveyor with horizontal swipes, so it’s still impossible to call the Bee Factory project a pure clicker. In addition to the usual bees, with an increase in the level, such exotic and far from reality specimens as robotic insects, ghosts, drones, butterflies and so on will become available to the user – the developers’ fantasies can only be envied. The main task is to make a huge fortune in the honey business, ahead of all the closest competitors in the global ranking from among real users.
Idle Bee Factory Tycoon download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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