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Симулятор кассира для улучшения навыков математического счета

Cashier 3D is a casual simulator of the work of a cashier in a hypermarket, who has to deal with large sums of money every day. For this reason, counting skills are indispensable in this game, because every mistake is fraught with a shortage that you will have to compensate for from your own pocket.

The cashier’s shift begins with the opening of the store and ends in the evening, when the doors close behind the last customer. This work is not easy, and sometimes ungrateful – rude clients strive to be rude, and sometimes cheat in money, so you need to be extremely vigilant. Carefully look at the cost of the goods, and if necessary, scan a special code, then accept money from buyers and return the change.

The user spends most of the game time at the checkout, but sometimes you will have to work as an ordinary seller, weighing products and issuing goods based on the needs of the client. Fruits, vegetables, groceries, alcohol, sweets, confectionery, clothes and shoes – a range of goods is available in the simulator.


  • polygonal 3D graphics and intuitive interface;
  • a variety of products and goods for sale;
  • store and workplace upgrades.

После завершения трудового дня подсчитывайте прибыль, если ее окажется в достаточном количестве, то инвестируйте средства в апгрейд торговой точки, а также повышение комфорта рабочего пространства. Проект Cashier 3D на первый взгляд может показаться примитивным, но и из него можно извлечь пользу, улучшив навыки математического счета.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Cashier 3D 1
Screenshot Cashier 3D 2
Screenshot Cashier 3D 3
Screenshot Cashier 3D 4
Screenshot Cashier 3D 5
Screenshot Cashier 3D 6
Screenshot Cashier 3D 7
Screenshot Cashier 3D 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 14.8.0

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) Rollic Games
License Free app
Date updated Aug 5, 2021
Number of downloads 79
Genre Simulator / Mobile gaming

English (+87 localizations)

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Get the Latest Version (14.8.0) - Free & Safe Download

Download Cashier 3D apk 14.8.0
File size: 75.66 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a Original full version without MODs
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