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Fish Farm 2


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Build your realistic virtual Aquarium Empire with Fish Farm 2

Video of Fish Farm 2
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Screenshot Fish Farm 2 2
Screenshot Fish Farm 2 3
Screenshot Fish Farm 2 4
Screenshot Fish Farm 2 5

Fish Farm 2 (Fish Farm) is a continuation of the story of the same name about aquarium fish, with one big difference – that in the second series of the game you are guaranteed to experience even more pleasure from the realism of the gameplay – this is a real game with fishermen and friends in virtual world.

Fish Farm 2 is a virtual aquarium in which so many dozens of fish live. Fish are different: oceanic, sea and river; saline and fresh water. Your creative task is to practically increase the population of fish in the aquarium.

Fish – they are very sensitive to changes in the composition of water and food, they react to the attitude of both the player himself and other inhabitants of the aquarium towards them. In order for the fish to multiply, you need to create comfortable conditions for them: decorate the aquarium, play with the fishermen and to feed, and most importantly, to offer their pets other beautiful and friendly fish as partners.

The commercial part of this project:

  • buy and sell fish;
  • multiply homogeneous;
  • and cross different types of fish (create hybrids – unique types of fish).

Thus, for each new generation of fish, and for each new subspecies of fish, you will receive a reward – coins, use them to buy decorations and corals, and use them to decorate the aquarium.

Your goal is to create conditions in the aquarium so that 230 species of fish can live in it – to become a leader in the global rating table of the game.


  1. Graphics – 3D animation, implemented in incredibly bright colors.
  2. The game is multiplayer. But you can play – develop “Fish Farm 2” – in offline mode.
  3. The game is free; the game contains optional wicker purchases.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer BitBros Inc.
License Free app
Date updated Jun 7, 2020
Number of downloads 983
Available languages

English (+80 localizations)

Download Fish Farm 2

Download Fish Farm 2 (1.5.5) APK
35.86 MB

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How to Install Fish Farm 2 on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.5 (33.3K)

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