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Turbo Dismount


Download APK for Android 4.1+ 1.43.0 Free 83.62 MB Original without MODs Trusted

The concept of destruction at the forefront

Screenshot Turbo Dismount 1
Screenshot Turbo Dismount 2
Screenshot Turbo Dismount 3
Screenshot Turbo Dismount 4
Screenshot Turbo Dismount 5
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Screenshot Turbo Dismount 7
Screenshot Turbo Dismount 8

In their first project, the guys from Secret Exit Ltd. have already offered users to show off by pushing a rag doll down the stairs, trying to inflict maximum physical damage on it. In their second release Turbo Dismount™, the developers remained true to the previous destructive concept, only this time much more depends on the gamer – he will have to use his wild imagination to create and implement various emergency plan scenarios, trying to achieve all that same destructive purpose.

This time, in addition to the doll itself, the user has various vehicles and obstacles that allow you to create new extreme tracks that invariably lead to severe accidents. Although the main goal of Turbo Dismount™ is to have fun, the conditions for completing the levels are quite tough and straightforward, but the ways to implement them can be completely non-standard and unnatural. Get ready to replay the levels several times in a row – either the character prematurely leaves the race, falling out of the car that did not even reach the first springboard, or the damage caused is too low and does not allow you to score an acceptable number of bonus points to move to the next stage.

However, it is in the enumeration of all possible options that the key meaning of the Turbo Dismount™ simulator lies – try to achieve an impeccable result by placing sets of obstacles in the correct sequence, making spectacular somersaults that invariably end in serious injuries to a resigned character. Remember that the novelty uses the most realistic physics, so the result may depend on even such a trifle as the initial location of the test subject in the car before the start of the level.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.secretexit.turbodismount
Developer Secret Exit Ltd.
License Free app
Date updated Jul 9, 2020
Number of downloads 2480
Available languages

English (+83 localizations)

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Download Turbo Dismount (1.43.0) APK
83.62 MB

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How to Install Turbo Dismount on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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