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Demonstrate unparalleled accuracy

Screenshot Basketball 1
Screenshot Basketball 2
Screenshot Basketball 3
Screenshot Basketball 4

Basketball is one of the best casual basketball simulators for practicing hoop shots from different positions. Three-dimensional graphics, realistic physics, high-quality sounds, several beautifully designed locations, one-touch control, a variety of tasks, a skill system, detailed statistics, learning how to perform different types of ball throws and the ability to challenge another user to a duel online – the novelty from the ViperGames studio in fact, there are no cons, which is quite rare for mobile products.

The user will throw balls on the basketball basket by changing the flight path of the sports equipment, guided by the dotted line. Before each level Basketball the player sees a list of tasks, with 100% completion of which he will receive the maximum reward. Tasks can be different, for example, score a certain number of points, hit the ring three times in a row, throw a couple of balls from the ground or a canopy, from the shield or cleanly, score a given percentage of accuracy.

The conditions should be fulfilled within the allotted time, which is basically no more than a minute, but through viewing ads, you can gain another fifteen seconds. With the money earned, we go to the store Basketball and buy new locations (a playground on the lake, near a busy highway, in a village, etc.), as well as balls – it’s impossible to know in advance what will fall out in the container, since this is a purely random process. Having gained experience, you can try your luck in sports in a multiplayer format by choosing any of the four available modes – rating game, regular, four players or with friends.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.ViperGames.Basketball
Developer ViperGames
License Free app
Date updated Jun 11, 2020
Number of downloads 28
Available languages

English (+76 localizations)

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37.13 MB

How to Install Basketball on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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