Five Nights at Freddy’s AR: Special Delivery is an adventure horror project with elements of strategy in a frightening and chilling world of animatronics, which has become an excellent continuation of the cult game series. Only now these creatures are not on the other side of the screen from the player, but very close thanks to augmented reality technology.
Be prepared for the fact that in the process of passing through the locations, a scream of horror will break from your lips more than once, and the hair on your head will stir. For this reason, we do not recommend downloading the new product for especially impressionable people with a fine mental organization.
But if you are not shy in the face of danger, look for a way out of the most difficult situations, boldly enter the room, from the darkness of which two red coals of eyes glow angrily, then the project will fully meet all your expectations.
When you decided to use the services of Fazbear, a company that delivers robotic animals to various festive and other events, you did not imagine what consequences this would lead to. The toys have gone out of control and are now on a real death hunt for you, chasing you everywhere.
- an unusual audiovisual gaming experience;
- augmented reality gameplay;
- creation of new animatronics from found parts;
- fights between gamers’ robots in the arena.
Enemies in Five Nights at Freddy’s AR: Special Delivery always attack by surprise, but you have a deadly arsenal against them in the form of a flashlight, shocker and batteries – use these gadgets wisely and come out of every fight with a victory.
Five Nights at Freddy's AR download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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