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Immortal Conquest


Download APK for Android 2.3+ 1.2.8 Free 56.16 MB Original without MODs Trusted

There are many sides to the conflict, but everyone has the same goal - try to achieve it

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Immortal Conquest – global in scope, but graphically simplified as an Android diagram, a strategy with an emphasis on economic motives, diplomatic negotiations and real-time prices. In addition, the novelty from the NetEase Games studio is able to offer full-fledged network cooperation, and this is what can ensure the success of the game among users, since it is always more interesting to win a real opponent, and not artificial intelligence.

The game scenario Immortal Conquest takes gamers to the times of the harsh Middle Ages, which quite calmly combines both historical events that took place in reality and the developers’ fantasies about the formation of society. In short, the player will have to win his place under the sun with the help of classic knights in shining armor, and with the support of flying fire-breathing lizards of a frightening appearance. Even at the training stage, the user will get an idea about the control system, the main game resources, as well as learn how to use the global map.

There is a long way to go before significant victories and global records Immortal Conquest – a lot of buildings bought for virtual currency, paved roads and other points aimed at strengthening one’s position in a cruel and unpredictable world. The economic part is implemented in a really exciting way – the menu includes numerous stages of upgrading the main castle, countless enterprises that extract resources, forges and small workshops. The prices for all upgrades and purchases in this strategy are simply prohibitive, so not all gamers will agree to spend many hours of game time behind them.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 2.3 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.netease.immortalconquest
Developer NetEase Games
License Free app
Date updated Oct 9, 2023
Number of downloads 45
Available languages

English (+116 localizations)

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Download Immortal Conquest (1.2.8) APK
56.16 MB

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How to Install Immortal Conquest on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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