Seasons of War – turn a small medieval settlement into the capital of a prosperous and economically developed Empire, using a competent approach to solving pressing problems. This multiplayer strategy requires comprehensive and balanced decisions to improve the infrastructure of the developing kingdom – the player will have to constantly perform actions and consider the consequences they can lead to.
First, you should decide on the concept of development and understand who you want to become – a warrior, a farmer or a builder. Based on this, focus on thematic tasks, investing game funds in the modernization and improvement of objects, buildings, functions, and so on. Whatever you decide to become, without a strong and combat-ready army, your attempts are doomed to failure, because hostile states will not miss the opportunity to attack and rob a militarily weak neighbor. In addition, a strong army will allow you not only to repel enemy attacks, but also to initiate aggressive campaigns that promise rich trophies.
- development strategy – economy, army and diplomatic relations;
- global game map with states of other users;
- Join alliances and attack common enemies together.
Don’t expect that the Seasons of War strategy will allow you to develop at an accelerated pace, because it takes time to implement game actions. True, if you have free resources, then many processes can be accelerated, but it is up to you to decide whether it is worth huge economic investments.
Seasons of War download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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