Transformers: Earth Wars is a Transformers-themed military strategy game.
The plot of the game is classic, it is borrowed from the space trilogy of the same name about Transformers. Two factions of Transformers land on Earth: the Autobots and the Decepticons. The first bots Protect people from destruction by the second.
The process of the game and the role of the player.
- The player chooses which side they fight on: good or evil – the Autobots or the Decepticons.
- Gathers around him the best players from all over the world – this is how Transformers alliances are created.
- With the help of the Space Bridge, the player moves at lightning speed between two worlds: people and Transformers – Earth and Cybertron.
- On the side of his faction, the player must build a military base, and around it an impenetrable defense – this is how the player, together with his allies, prepares for the final battle of the Transformers on Earth.
The fate of earthly civilization is at stake.
To prepare for the final battle between bots, the player must complete three super tasks: 1) build a military base, 2) build dynamic and static defense around the base, 3) unite the best players around him inside the base.
In order to effectively complete the first two tasks – to build a base and suddenly protect it – the player needs to borrow high technologies from the planet Cybertron – energy blocks and alloys. Blocks increase the power of AutoCannons, alloys make it possible to build an impregnable military fortress, the walls of which must reflect the waves of attacks of the Decepticons.
The player’s task: to organize protection; reflect the attack of enemies; and counter attack them – win.
The player will be able to cope with such a difficult task only as part of an alliance: players create military alliances, and together they determine strategic goals and come up with tactical steps to achieve these goals. Players communicate with each other in the Global or Team chat.
- Graphics – minimalistic 3D animation;
- The game is free.
- The game contains optional purchases for real money. The player can disable the online shopping function in the application settings.
- Hardware requirement: permanent internet connection.
TRANSFORMERS: Earth Wars download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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