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Wild Castle

Tower Defense TD


Download XAPK for Android 6.0+ 1.46.15 Free 256.40 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Protecting the fantasy kingdom from the hordes of the advancing evil spirits

Screenshot Wild Castle 1
Screenshot Wild Castle 2
Screenshot Wild Castle 3
Screenshot Wild Castle 4
Screenshot Wild Castle 5
Screenshot Wild Castle 6
Screenshot Wild Castle 7

Wild Castle is a strategy game with tower defense gameplay and RPG elements. Prevent attacking monsters from entering the castle grounds using an assortment of characters with unique skills and defensive structures with different ranges. Improve the parameters of your controlled fighters and auxiliary equipment in order to adequately fight against enemy waves.

Heroes located on the fortress wall attack advancing enemies automatically, when enough energy is accumulated, the user taps on the character to activate the use of a special skill. It is also important, when gold coins appear on the account, to pump the level of the castle in time, add strength to the walls, and also improve the defenders and auxiliary workers.

Strengthen your defenses by installing mortars, fire weapons, and power plants along the perimeter. Diversify the composition of the squad by buying new heroes for in-game gold – a preacher, a bricklayer, a yeti, a valkyrie, a knight, and so on. Research new skills and improve existing skills with talent points and special tokens.


  • reflect thousands of waves of ordinary enemies and bosses;
  • sixty heroes with unique skills;
  • pursuit of leadership in the global ranking;
  • colorful 3D graphics and smooth animation;
  • elements of TD and economic development;
  • auto-combat option.

In addition to defending the Wild Castle castle, don’t forget to expand your kingdom, develop mines and other structures in the area that provide the army with resources and help you cope with new challenges.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 6.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.wildsky.wildcastle
Developer Funovus
License Free app
Date updated Feb 25, 2024
Number of downloads 61

Download Wild Castle

Download Wild Castle (1.46.15) XAPK
256.40 MB

Old versions

How to Install the APK Bundle (apks/xapk)

APK Bundles contain multiple APKs optimized for various device configurations.

  1. Download the APK Bundle file (usually with a '.apks' or '.xapk' extension)
  2. You'll need a split APK installer app to handle the installation. One popular option is Split APKs Installer (SAI).
  3. Launch the Split APK Installer (SAI) app on your device.
  4. In SAI, tap the "Install APKs" button.
  5. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the APK Bundle file and select it.
  6. SAI will display a list of APKs included in the bundle. Select the ones you want to install, and then tap "Install."
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of each APK.
  8. Once installed, you can open and use the app as you normally would.

Installing XAPK or APK Bundle files may seem more complex than regular APKs, but it allows for optimized app installations on various device configurations.

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