Android 8.1 (Oreo (Go edition))

Review of the mobile operating system Android 8.1.
Codename: Oreo (Go edition).
API level/NDK release: 27.
Although Android 8.1 Oreo hard to call global OS update, but interesting innovations and major changes in it is more than enough. The bulk of the innovations are focused on increasing ease of use of all capabilities of the mobile device, and the first lucky, who will be able to verify this assertion in practice, are the owners of devices Nexus line and Pixel.
Many of the users, familiar with Android 8.0 Oreo, faced with a rather unpleasant situation, when notifications are available with some delay and at the same time on a few pieces – the machine sounds behind each other a lot of sound notifications, that jarring and pretty unnerving. Android 8.1 does not have this drawback, as the developers put a limit, do not allow to come more than one notification per second, like a trifle, but useful.
Eliminated function, which supported Wi-Fi all the time in the active state, even if the mobile device is not currently exploited by the user, while in sleep mode – it allows you to save battery and thereby prolong the operation time of the device. Mode for developers disappeared the ability to calibrate the screen and change to sRGB, although programmers Google do not exclude, in the future this option will be displayed in the General display settings.
Innovation Android 8.1 was the introduction of the new instrument, which allows third-party launchers free to manage installed themes, and the ability to change a dark design on a light (depends on the currently used Wallpaper), now is not the prerogative of Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, and available for other smartphones.
Good news for those, who often uses in tandem with the Communicator of different Bluetooth gadgets – in system settings you can now see the data on the level of remaining charge, for example, this will help to determine, does the wireless headset to be recharged or not.
Do not forget the Android developers 8.1 to please the user and another "Easter eggs" in the form of Oreo cookies, in order to see it go to "About phone", repeatedly tap on Android version, and then hold for a few seconds your finger on the screen.
In addition to the above innovations, worked in Google over security, for example, now the user can deactivate the demonstration of a password in the recruitment process, and don't even show its last characters. There are still a few innovative solutions, but since they relate exclusively to developers, the average user there is no need to bother examining them.
In the framework of this review, be sure to mention the version of Android Oreo (Go Edition.), the release of which took place simultaneously with the launch of a full-fledged Android 8.1. It focuses on weaker mobile devices, and optimization of the system and software out of the box. According Google programmers, they managed to increase the speed performance at 15% and release an extra 50% free space, which, for example, the user can fill in photos, the videos and other multimedia content. In other words, now the system itself will take up much less space, not concealing there is lack of such on smartphones are not of the top segment.