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Music Player

Mp3 Player


Download APK for Android 5.0+ 8.2.8 Free 40.72 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Music is always with you - high-quality sound and convenience in every track!

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Enjoy music and have fun listening to your favorite artists with Music Player - Mp3 Player music player. This is a powerful player with a high-quality equalizer, which allows you to listen to music absolutely free anywhere and at any time. Adjust the high-quality sound of your favorite soundtrack using a ten-band equalizer and enjoy the music. Also, correctly setting the built-in equalizer will help make the sound in headphones or a portable speaker deeper and richer in bass. use the program without a network connection if the music is already recorded on the device’s internal memory.

  • Supports various audio formats and types of music. This Music Player supports the most popular and unusual music and sound formats such as WaV, MP3, WMA, AAC, FLAC and many others.
  • Wideband equalizer for adjusting any music of any genre. Customize any audio track using a 10-band equalizer by choosing one of 18 music genres, namely (dance, rock, hip-hop, metal, classical, folk, for headphones), etc.
  • Quick music search with convenient sorting by artists, playlists, songs and folders.
  • Improved sound thanks to the bass boost effect and virtualization effect. Unique professional audio decoding technology will improve sound and enhance frequencies so you can listen to your favorite music without restrictions.
  • Different design styles and operating themes of the player for improved visual effect and pleasant perception. experience a spectacular sound spectrum while listening to music. All spectra move to the rhythm of the song.

Plus, you get 2 home screens and black and white styles. Set the sleep timer built into the app itself so that it turns off after prolonged use and does not drain your smartphone’s battery. Also, through the program, you can customize any song and set it as a ringtone for an incoming call. In our app Music Player, you can listen to your favorite music absolutely free and support song control using your headset.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer Music Hero - MP3 Music Player
License Free app
Date updated May 29, 2024
Number of downloads 8
Available languages

English (+119 localizations)

Download Music Player

Download Music Player (8.2.8) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
40.72 MB

How to Install Music Player on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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