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for Customers


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Plan your day easily and efficiently by booking services and managing your time

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One of the popular applications that will help you make an appointment anywhere, be it a visit to a beauty salon, a doctor’s appointment, etc. will always come in handy at the most needed moment. Booksy for Customers is a convenient platform that will help you plan your day and properly distribute your own time, combining it with rest and work. Compare prices from service providers and choose the one that is cheaper and of better quality. Also, you can book accommodation and hotel rooms and get even more from the application.

Features Booksy:

  • Carefully study the application menu, and you will understand that using this trading platform is very useful and will help you find even local providers that can offer good conditions for the supply of Internet services.
  • A special section with reviews will help you navigate correctly and in a timely manner when choosing a service, find out the full list of services with prices and photographs, and a portfolio.
  • Look online at doctor’s appointment schedules or free time at a nail salon 24/7 without the need to call there. Just combine your free time and that of a specialist and make an appointment.
  • If you are a busy person and don’t always remember everything planned for the day, then we will send you a notification before your appointment so that you don’t miss the appointment.
  • Manage your schedule on the go and change depending on the circumstances. Easily reschedule meetings and visits by moving and shifting them, adjust your plans.
  • The contactless payment system for services will help you pay very quickly and efficiently with companies that accept electronic transfers.

Now, each user can make an appointment and use the daily routine to benefit from it. Easily book a service by simply opening the Booksy program on your smartphone and viewing the specialist’s appointment schedule. Master your time and make life easier for yourself first.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID net.booksy.customer
Developer Booksy International sp. z o.o.
License Free app
Date updated May 27, 2024
Available languages

English (+10 localizations)

Download Booksy

Download Booksy (2.21.2_400) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7, x86, x86-64
28.39 MB

How to Install Booksy on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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