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Sticker Maker


Download APK for Android 7.0+ 2.21.3 Free 68.56 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Create unique stickers for WhatsApp and Telegram and share your emotions with friends while chatting!

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Every day, millions of people enjoy all the benefits of the popular messenger WhatsApp and always stay in touch with each other. For more colorful communication and conveying emotions, you can correspond by exchanging unique stickers, which can be created using the - Sticker Maker program. This is your chance to discover millions of fun, unique and unique stickers. Create your own animated stickers and send them to friends and acquaintances during correspondence.

All self-created material can be successfully used in your chats or in describing your status in your profile. Track your favorite sticker creators and get new stickers first. Also, shoot a video and use Auto Cut technology to create animated stickers from fragments of what you shot on your camera. After creating stickers, you can easily transfer them to WhatsApp or Telegram. Once you’ve created a public link, share the emoji in GIF format with your friends.

Method of creating stickers for WhatsApp:

Come up with a name for your own sticker pack;
Select the most suitable photographs and cut out fragments from them for future stickers;
Label each of the stickers to give them a name and character of their own;
Export them to WhatsApp or share with friends using a link.

This is the ideal application for creating unique custom stickpacks from pictures that are stored in your smartphone gallery. To make this as easy as pie, select any photo, edit it, and immediately share it. Also, you can change the size of the image, add any text over the photo, or overlay a picture. Be sure to install on your smartphone and surprise your friends with new, fresh and unique stickers for WhatsApp and Telegram.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 7.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer Naver Z Corporation
License Free app
Date updated Mar 29, 2024
Number of downloads 6
Available languages

English (+92 localizations)


Download (2.21.3) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
68.56 MB

How to Install on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.7 (2.1M)

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