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Fast language learning


Download APK for Android 6.0+ 0.0.81 Free 78.64 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Learn 17 languages ​​quickly and easily with your virtual lessons with native speakers!

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A useful and unique language app, Falou - Fast language learning functions as a real language platform and allows you to learn 17 languages. If you want to easily and quickly learn any of the languages ​​offered and not waste time on expensive courses and lessons, then join us and install the application on your smartphone. Learn foreign languages ​​using the most innovative methods and improve your pronunciation in record time. You will quickly and confidently master and become fluent in English, German, French, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and other languages.

The learning system used in this application allows you to fully focus on conversational techniques and conducting practical conversations. To start studying, you need to decide on the language that you need most and indicate your level of preparation, or start from scratch. Next, the system will automatically offer you options and available content. This material will be fully adapted to your knowledge and individual characteristics.

In practice, language learning occurs on the basis of daily training with a native speaker. Each lesson begins and ends with a conversation with a virtual character, which is controlled by artificial intelligence. It is capable of automatically recognizing your voice and words, and correcting mistakes in pronunciation. This approach is innovative and attractive to many users.

The program’s relaxed design and elegant interface create a positive language learning experience. Conversations with a native speaker on ordinary everyday topics will always be useful and will be useful at a professional level. This is an excellent option for improving your language skills. Never stop there, learn the language level by level. The material is divided into categories and lessons, this allows you to find your own path to study. Our methods make it possible to turn any student into a good expert of a foreign language. Spend even a few minutes a day studying, and after a while you will realize how far your knowledge has advanced. Rest assured that the Falou application will undoubtedly give its results, you just need to try a little.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 6.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.moymer.falou
Developer Moymer
License Free app
Date updated May 24, 2024
Number of downloads 1
Available languages

English (+89 localizations)

Download Falou

Download Falou (0.0.81) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7, x86, x86-64
78.64 MB

How to Install Falou on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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