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Create vector illustrations and send to Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop

The Adobe company is a manufacturer of not only very high-quality, but also multifunctional programs. Adobe Illustrator Draw was created for building vector illustrations and has no analogues in quality in Play Market .

What is the main difference between vector graphics and regular raster graphics? A raster image consists of a grid of multi-colored dots (pixels), while a vector image consists of simple geometric shapes described by formulas.

Let’s compare some properties of graphics data. A raster image, when enlarged, loses its aesthetic appearance and the pixels are immediately clearly visible, while vector graphics do not “sin” like this – when such an image is enlarged, its quality does not deteriorate. In addition, it is easy to create a vector drawing, just write a formula.

The disadvantage of raster graphics, but the advantage of vector graphics is the space occupied by images – more and less, respectively, because when saving a vector drawing, only formulas are saved that help to subsequently restore the picture.

Also, as an advantage of vector graphics, it is worth emphasizing the easy changeability of objects, which does not affect the quality of the picture in any way – it can be enlarged, layers can be added. But at the same time, it is quite difficult to draw small details.

The demand for vector graphics is justified by entertaining and relevant solutions of drawings that attract modern designers and artists.

The Adobe Illustrator application meets all the requirements for creating an image using vector graphics – here we can use various utility tools, such as pens of different thicknesses, a variety of colors, an eraser, applying layers, etc. All this will help us create a unique product. Also, Adobe Illustrator interacts with Adobe Capture CC .

As soon as we finish our work, it can be posted in the application we need, as well as copied to the “cloud”, with which we have access to our drawings from any device, or saved directly to the device, the application also works well with Photoshop, which facilitates editing.

To work with vector graphics on your smartphone, we recommend Adobe Illustrator Draw , it is available for both Android and iOS devices. However, there is also a free editor for the Android platform for working with vector images: GIMP Inkscape , although it has and fewer options.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Adobe Illustrator Draw 1
Screenshot Adobe Illustrator Draw 2
Screenshot Adobe Illustrator Draw 3
Screenshot Adobe Illustrator Draw 4
Screenshot Adobe Illustrator Draw 5

Technical specifications of the latest version 3.7.29

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 9.0 (Pie) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.adobe.creativeapps.draw
Author (Developer) Adobe
License Free app
Date updated Sep 4, 2023
Number of downloads 3646
Genre Design & Art / Mobile application

English (+131 localizations)

Download Adobe Illustrator Draw APK

Get the Latest Version (3.7.29) - Free & Safe Download

Download Adobe Illustrator Draw apk 3.7.29
File size: 57.58 MB arm64-v8a Original full version without MODs

Old versions

Adobe Illustrator Draw 3.6.7 Android 5.0+ (41.04 MB)
Adobe Illustrator Draw 2.0.43 Android 4.3+ (46.33 MB)
Adobe Illustrator Draw 1.4.313 Android 4.3+ (36.58 MB)

All versions

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