Gradient: Celebrity Look Like is an advanced photo editor with a lot of useful functions that will help turn even an obviously unsuccessful photo into original and high-quality material. Beautiful filters and textures, the ability to adjust skin tone and remove obvious defects in one touch, experiment with hair color, change the size of eyes and lips, giving the former expressiveness, and the latter sexuality, and other metamorphoses with appearance are available with this editor.
You just need to select the material in the gallery of your mobile device, and then apply the available tools to it – everyone will be satisfied with the final result. But Gradient’s capabilities are not limited to the listed functions, since recently the developers have introduced a very unusual option into their product, which allows you to find out which celebrity the person in the photograph resembles. Using a unique technology that uses neural networks, the program analyzes the face of the average person in the picture, looks for similarities and produces a result – often it simply amazes with its hitting the mark, and sometimes it seems that the program is simply making fun.
You can process photos in a completely manual mode or trust intelligent algorithms, which are also equipped with a self-learning function. It would be naive to believe that such luxurious functionality will be available to the audience completely free of charge – the test period is traditionally offered by the developers and is only three days, after which they will have to say goodbye to the program or sign up for a paid monthly or annual subscription. Download the Gradient editor completely free from the link below and start implementing your wildest ideas.
Gradient download: Be a part of something amazing.
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