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Design Space: DIY with Cricut


Download APK for Android 9.0+ 5.60.1 Free 618.07 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Turn your creative ideas into reality with and create unique projects easily and quickly!

Video of Design Space: DIY with Cricut
Screenshot Design Space: DIY with Cricut 1
Screenshot Design Space: DIY with Cricut 2
Screenshot Design Space: DIY with Cricut 3
Screenshot Design Space: DIY with Cricut 4
Screenshot Design Space: DIY with Cricut 5
Screenshot Design Space: DIY with Cricut 6
Screenshot Design Space: DIY with Cricut 7
Screenshot Design Space: DIY with Cricut 8

Develop your creativity and gain absolute freedom in the unique project Design Space: DIY with Cricut. Draw, cut, measure with a unique machine that is controlled by artificial intelligence and can take your creativity to new levels. This is a unique do-it-yourself format that will help you create any figures and develop spatial thinking.
This is an accessible and free plugin that allows you to upload and edit your images and overlay unique system fonts on it. For the project, you can use any of the available images that are stored in our archive and number more than 50 thousand images. The program supports most image formats, such as: Jpg, Gif, Png, Svg, Dxf and many others.

If you are a novice user, then check out the ready-made projects and start your own from scratch. Browse thousands of images and shapes that were created by other artists, and let the unique fonts in the Cricut library break up the boring and familiar inscriptions to us all. Thanks to the capabilities of the application, you can synchronize the login under your profile on several devices and be creative anytime, anywhere.

Here you can use the materials at hand to their full potential and connect to the Cricut cutting machine using Bluetooth. New functions, such as (text spell checking, kerning, right-to-left writing and others) are available to all users and will always be useful in creative work. To start using the program, you need to install it on any device and register your own user account.

Bring your wildest ideas to life and create useful projects in a short period of time. Access a huge archive of available fonts and images while working with Design Space: DIY with Cricut.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 9.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.cricut.designspace
Developer Cricut
License Free app
Date updated May 20, 2024
Available languages

English (+94 localizations)

Download Design Space: DIY with Cricut

Download Design Space: DIY with Cricut (5.60.1) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7, x86-64
618.07 MB

How to Install Design Space: DIY with Cricut on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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