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Trail Maps for Hiking, Biking, Skiing

Download for Android 18.54 MB free

Great assistant for compiling tourist routes

ViewRanger is an indispensable tool for people who like to spend their free time walking or cycling, exploring new routes, admiring magnificent views, charging with excellent health and positive. With this application, you can even go to an unfamiliar area without fear and doubt, without fear of getting lost or finding yourself in impenetrable wilds – in one product there is a detailed map of the area, a competent guide, and an assistant in creating an ideal scheme for a future hiking or cycling route.

If you first worry about downloading the necessary maps of the area, then the ViewRanger application will be able to function without the slightest problem and help the traveler even in areas where the cellular signal does not reach, and there is no way to access the global Internet network. The fact is that in its work the product uses the GPS module of a mobile Android device, using it to calculate the current coordinates of a person as accurately as possible and superimposing it on existing maps.

While in range of a cellular network, the user can send their current location to friends or family via the BuddyBeacon™ service, which can be vital in case of unforeseen circumstances and possible emergencies. The package of maps available for the ViewRanger application “covers” with its networks many European and North American countries, including the most detailed maps of major cities and towns. Not wanting to build their own route, each user can “arm” with any route from a collection of those compiled by other real people with colorful photos and comments.

Video and Screen Captures

Video of ViewRanger
Screenshot ViewRanger 1
Screenshot ViewRanger 2
Screenshot ViewRanger 3
Screenshot ViewRanger 4
Screenshot ViewRanger 5
Screenshot ViewRanger 6
Screenshot ViewRanger 7
Screenshot ViewRanger 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 9.1.34

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) Augmentra
License Free app
Date updated Nov 19, 2018
Number of downloads 66
Genre Medical / Mobile application

Download ViewRanger: Trail Maps for Hiking, Biking, Skiing APK

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File size: 18.54 MB universal Original full version without MODs
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