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Competent and sensitive assistant for pregnant women

Teman Bumil is a useful application for expectant mothers, which will become a source of valuable advice, as well as help to “document” every moment of pregnancy. Nine months of waiting for the birth of a new person for many women, especially primiparas, become a real test – thousands of questions regarding the development of the fetus, the importance of visiting a doctor in a timely manner, taking tests, taking vitamins and other points. And it is very good when there is a competent assistant who is able to come to the rescue at any time, answer all questions, help with valuable advice and remind you of important matters.

It is this role that is assigned to the Teman Bumil mobile application, the interface of which is divided into several independent blocks. It is known that pregnant women are prone to forgetfulness due to the powerful hormonal changes taking place in the body – this program will allow you to make a to-do list and always keep them in front of your eyes. Almost all future mothers are interested in the stages of intrauterine development of the fetus – the features of each trimester, the sensations experienced at each stage, possible deviations and methods for their prevention.

Moreover, the Teman Bumil product is able to act as a personal album, where you can enter photos from ultrasound, pictures of your mother and other information that clearly demonstrates all the changes in a woman’s body and body for nine long months. The application will also help in compiling a healthy full-fledged diet that can satisfy the need of both the fetus and the mother for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements – truly a storehouse of valuable information, with which each stage of pregnancy will pass calmly and under control.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Teman Bumil 1
Screenshot Teman Bumil 2
Screenshot Teman Bumil 3
Screenshot Teman Bumil 4

Technical specifications of the latest version 1.9.2

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) Global Urban Esensial
License Free app
Date updated Oct 17, 2019
Number of downloads 40
Genre Parenting / Mobile application

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Download Teman Bumil apk 1.9.2
File size: 14.88 MB universal Original full version without MODs

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