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A popular technique for stimulating and engaging in the workflow

Focus To-Do is an assistant in improving personal work efficiency, which is based on the principles of the popular “Tomato Method”, invented thirty years ago by the Italian Francesco Cirillo. The product simultaneously performs the function of a task manager and a special timer – such a tandem allows you to better focus on goals, solve them promptly and in an organized manner.

This method consists in the following – a person for a given period of time is entirely concentrated on the task, then a short break is taken, then everything is repeated. The classical technique involves 25-minute working segments and a 5-minute rest, after each such cycle, an extended break is made lasting from forty-five minutes to an hour and a half.

As you take on the next task, activate the timer and concentrate on your work, being distracted only by scheduled breaks. In addition, the program is endowed with tools for planning, it will be an excellent reminder of important work or personal events, and upon request it provides detailed statistics for the selected period.


  • concentration on a specific task;
  • learn how to correctly control time;
  • breakdown of global tasks into subtasks;
  • alternating work process and rest;
  • reminders and sound alerts;
  • detailed reports in the statistics block.

Focus To-Do is an effective way to combat procrastination (the habit of delaying work) and laziness, which will increase productivity and focus.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Focus To-Do 1
Screenshot Focus To-Do 2
Screenshot Focus To-Do 3
Screenshot Focus To-Do 4
Screenshot Focus To-Do 5
Screenshot Focus To-Do 6
Screenshot Focus To-Do 7
Screenshot Focus To-Do 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 7.8

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.superelement.pomodoro
Author (Developer) Pomodoro Timer & To Do List - SuperElement Soft
License Free app
Date updated Apr 6, 2021
Number of downloads 69
Genre Productivity / Mobile application

English (+108 localizations)

Download Focus To-Do: Pomodoro Timer & To Do List

Get the Latest Version (7.8) - Free & Safe Download

Download Focus To-Do apk 7.8
File size: 27.93 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs

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