If you like to sit for hours, or even whole days, on your smartphone or spend time on your tablet. At the same time, you cannot control the useful presence behind the device screen, then the Screen Time - StayFree application was created just for you. This is an advanced and informative application for user self-control and increasing the productivity of his leisure time. It will help you get rid of addiction and will constantly remind you that it is time to get distracted and put the device down. Also, you will be able to look at the statistics of time spent on your phone and limit useless surfing or time spent playing your favorite game. Having set the desired limits, you will receive notifications asking you to stop using the gadget and view the history of use of each application on your smartphone.
The developers have made every effort to make the application useful and become the best for your control of device screen time. Here you can see the most accurate statistics on spending time playing a game or on your favorite social network. A very clear and simple interface and excellent customer support are the basis of the service. You can immediately feel a drop in the energy consumption of your gadget, and receive detailed analysis and statistics on several devices with the connected service.
Among the features of this service, we can note a customizable blocking of the use of each application and a reminder of the need to close it. Your smartphone will constantly warn you that you are spending too much time on the screen. The ability to view statistics in graphical form and create a schedule for distracting applications will help you stay focused on your main work or study. Set a sleep mode for all programs on your phone so that none of them disturbs you while you’re resting.
Screen Time - StayFree – will open a new era for you and reduce the level of digital addiction. You will see that you will have a lot of free time to spend time with friends or play sports. Your work will become more productive, and your self-esteem will become much higher. You will become less distracted and will charge your gadget less often. Live your life to the fullest and don’t get distracted by useless electronic games.
Screen Time - StayFree download: Be a part of something amazing.
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