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6.6 Brands Celebration


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Seamless and Secure online shopping with various vouchers

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Screenshot Shopee 4

Shopee is an online store, one of the best online trading platforms in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Thanks to the high security of the payment system and interactive logistics, the online store Shopee allows its customers to make purchases without risks.

Shopee — how does it work? All commodity items are divided into categories: healthy, beauty, fashion, household goods, toys for children and others. you can find any item you are looking for.

The products presented in the Shopee online store are from branded brands, which, in order to become our affiliate partners, must receive our quality certificate.

The quality of the goods is also ensured by the credit history of the sellers, which will be visible to you as seller ratings and customer reviews.

For each purchase made in our store, you will receive Shopee-coins , which you can accumulate in order to make yourself a gift at the end of the conditional period.

Payment – to be carried out by bank transfer, credit card or cash upon delivery of the goods.

Logistics support – it makes it possible to track the purchase route from its order to delivery to the doors of your office or home right in the application.

Returns can be made within 14 days. Condition: the product does not correspond to the declared quality.

Recommended products. An intelligent system analyzes your user activity in the store and, based on it, forms a list of recommended product items that might be of interest to you.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer Shopee
License Free app
Date updated May 24, 2024
Number of downloads 55627
Available languages

English (+85 localizations)

Download Shopee

Download Shopee (3.26.16) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7, x86, x86-64
230.93 MB

How to Install Shopee on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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