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Chrome Remote Desktop


Download APK for Android 4.4+ TWA Free 1.34 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Manage your devices securely and conveniently from anywhere in the world

Video of Chrome Remote Desktop
Screenshot Chrome Remote Desktop 1
Screenshot Chrome Remote Desktop 2
Screenshot Chrome Remote Desktop 3
Screenshot Chrome Remote Desktop 4
Screenshot Chrome Remote Desktop 5
Screenshot Chrome Remote Desktop 6

The Chrome Remote Desktop app allows you to connect to remote devices and give others access to your device remotely. All this can be provided using the Chrome Internet browser or Chromebook device.

With this application, you use the best achievements and advanced web technologies and provide access to your devices from any part of the planet. You can connect to your computer using an Android device, even while on the road, provided that you have a stable connection to the Internet. View data or files stored on your home laptop or computer, or share access with your friends.

Also, using the application, you can run programs on your home PC and discuss this or that information with your work colleagues. At any time, anywhere, view any information stored on your computer absolutely securely and confidentially. Connection security is ensured by an absolutely unique approach to modern technologies using open source code. The Google infrastructure itself, with the help of which an Internet connection is established between your two remote devices, suggests that security is ensured at the highest level with WebRtc technology.

The connection procedure itself is very simple and accessible to anyone who installs the application on their mobile device. To connect to your home PC, you can use devices based on Android or IOS. The app is fully cross-platform, and an administrator can manage multiple users’ access to other devices right from the Chrome desktop. Also, you can add users and disable access to a specific device if you have received administrator rights. All this can be easily done in the admin console.

Install the Chrome Remote Desktop program on your mobile device, regardless of which platform it operates on. It can be either IOS or Android.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.4 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer Google LLC
License Free app
Date updated Jun 4, 2024
Number of downloads 12
Available languages

English (+87 localizations)

Download Chrome Remote Desktop

Download Chrome Remote Desktop (TWA) APK
1.34 MB

How to Install Chrome Remote Desktop on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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