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Gloud Games

Best Emulator for XBOX PC PS

Download for Android 56.65 MB free

Launching console games in the cloud

Gloud Games is the official Android client of the streaming service of the same name, with the help of which projects for game consoles and PCs are launched on a mobile device, subject to a stable Internet connection. How is this possible, you ask? The fact is that these games, of course, do not run on the smartphone or tablet itself, they work on a remote server, and only the picture is displayed on the screen of the portable gadget (it is the user who controls it).

At the same time, the application will work stably even on relatively weak mobile devices, because all calculations, as you understand, are not carried out by its means, but remotely, on powerful servers. You can control the gameplay through customizable on-screen buttons, or connect a physical joystick, if such a function is provided by the characteristics of the device. For example, this way you can test some new release before deciding to buy a rather expensive licensed version for PC or console.

After downloading and installing the Gloud Games program, you must go through the mandatory registration procedure – you enter an email address (and only Gmail), after which a registration confirmation code is sent to the mail. After successful authorization, the user gets access to an extensive game library and a number of special credits. Games are “bought” with credits, but you should only count on a couple of credits, in the future you will either have to watch ads to earn a new “portion” of credits or replenish your account in the mobile client through a microtransaction system.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Gloud Games 1
Screenshot Gloud Games 2
Screenshot Gloud Games 3
Screenshot Gloud Games 4
Screenshot Gloud Games 5

Technical specifications of the latest version 4.2.4

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.4 (Kit Kat) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) cn.gloud.client.en
Author (Developer) Gloud Technology
License Free app
Date updated Jul 30, 2023
Number of downloads 49895
Genre Tools / Mobile application

English (+88 localizations)

Download Gloud Games - Best Emulator for XBOX PC PS

Get the Latest Version (4.2.4) - Free & Safe Download

Download Gloud Games apk 4.2.4
File size: 56.65 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a Original full version without MODs

Old versions

Gloud Games 4.2.2 Android 4.4+ (56.93 MB)
Gloud Games 4.1.9 Android 4.4+ (49.81 MB)
Gloud Games 4.0.7 Android 5.0+ (43.82 MB)

All versions

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Gloud Games download: Be a part of something amazing.

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brahimalalaoui brahimalalaoui
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