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Map for DayZ & Arma

Download for Android 12.20 MB free

Assistant for survival in the lands of Chernarus

iZurvive – Map for DayZBesole002 is an excellent application for gamers playing a popular multiplayer project on the theme of survival in a zombie apocalypse. This map of the territory of the Republic of Chernorus, where the main events unfold, will help experienced players navigate the terrain, and for those who are just taking their first steps in the project, it will become a real lifesaver, greatly simplifying the process of finding resources, weapons and coordination activities with your group.

On the project locations, not only mutants and marauders pose a danger to the character, thirst, hunger, illness and injury can cause his death, which, as you know, is permanent. Here, in order to never experience a shortage of food, water and other useful resources, Innovaptor OG studio enthusiasts developed the iZurvive application. Download the desired map in satellite or topographic format (several game modifications are supported), join existing groups to add new tags or receive them from other team members. Now you can easily find out the location of objects such as hospitals, shops, barracks, factories, gas stations, warehouses, etc.

Get useful information from the DayZ Wiki by browsing through various thematic categories – food, health, clothing, survival, books, tools, weapons, crafting and so on. Become an active member of the community of the same name to be among the first to learn about the latest updates, current modifications, news and everything else related to the legendary Survival Horror. With this guide and iZurvive map pack, you’ll constantly progress and your character will be able to quickly adapt to the conditions of a hostile environment.

Video and Screen Captures

Video of iZurvive
Screenshot iZurvive 1
Screenshot iZurvive 2
Screenshot iZurvive 3
Screenshot iZurvive 4
Screenshot iZurvive 5
Screenshot iZurvive 6
Screenshot iZurvive 7
Screenshot iZurvive 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 5.40.1

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.innovaptor.izurvive
Author (Developer) Innovaptor OG
License Free app
Date updated Jun 4, 2020
Number of downloads 446
Genre Tools / Mobile application

English (+83 localizations)

Download iZurvive - Map for DayZ & Arma

Get the Latest Version (5.40.1) - Free & Safe Download

Download iZurvive apk 5.40.1
File size: 12.20 MB universal Original full version without MODs

Old versions

iZurvive 5.32.1 Android 4.1+ (11.98 MB)
iZurvive 5.25.0 Android 4.1+ (10.62 MB)

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