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Sticker Studio


Download APK for Android 4.1+ 3.1.9 Free 8.26 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Complete WhatsApp with original stickers

Screenshot Sticker Studio 1
Screenshot Sticker Studio 2
Screenshot Sticker Studio 3
Screenshot Sticker Studio 4

Sticker Studio is a useful tool for all Whatsapp messenger users who are tired of the standard sticker pack. With this program, you can create your own unique stickers using photos and images stored in the memory of your mobile device. The great thing is that this does not require the skills of working with graphic editors – choose a picture that suits the subject, trace it around with your finger, and then use additional filters, inscriptions and other decorative elements, for example, you can add multi-colored text and some or graphic components.

Through the application Sticker Studio, you can create up to ten themed sticker packs, each containing up to thirty stickers. The developers of the application emphasize that the product is still under development and it is still far from the finish line, so some of the planned features are not yet available, for example, turning the sticker around its axis, using spectacular backgrounds, and so on.

In order to start using the created “stickers” in the WhatsApp messenger, their number must be at least three, about which the user and the program itself will prudently warn. The big advantage of Sticker Studio , besides the direct functionality, is a simple and understandable interface, which, although it is provided exclusively in the English version, due to its intuitiveness and the use of a minimum of interactive objects, becomes “native” after a couple of minutes of use.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer PlayStudio Apps
License Free app
Date updated Jan 5, 2020
Number of downloads 736
Available languages

English (+83 localizations)

Download Sticker Studio

Download Sticker Studio (3.1.9) APK
8.26 MB

Old versions

How to Install Sticker Studio on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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