Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) Icon

Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security)


Download APK for Android 4.0+ 1.4.5 Free 8.11 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Screenshot Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) 1
Screenshot Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) 2
Screenshot Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) 3
Screenshot Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) 4
Screenshot Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) 5
Screenshot Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) 6

Virus Cleaner Super Security is an anti-virus application that integrates a firewall – software that filters and controls the user’s Internet traffic according to a given algorithm, the purpose of which is to guarantee the security of the user’s smart device.

Antivirus Super Security performs three main functions:

  1. Detects and removes infected and corrupted files from the phone;
  2. Improves the performance of the phone’s operating system;
  3. Blocks a third party from accessing applications installed on the user’s phone using a pattern or digital code.

In the event that someone tries to activate a blocked application without authorization, Super Security takes a photo of the violator, and sends his photo to the user’s e-mail.

How does it work? Security – it is ensured by the fact that the anti-virus program Super Security in real time 1) scans all the software content of the phone and 2) checks the files found in the phone against a constantly updated database of viruses for corrupted, malware, spyware, and virus programs – coincidence. 3) Detected matches – virus files – are automatically stopped and removed from the phone.

Performance – It is improved by the fact that Super Security stops applications running in the background on the phone. This, first of all, leads to the fact that the load on the processor of the phone decreases and its clock frequency decreases, which, secondly, reduces battery power consumption and processor temperature.

Statistics – it is displayed on the screen in the form of a graphic. Which very informatively displays the amount of daily traffic used by applications installed on the phone. Virus applications use an abnormally large amount of Internet traffic. In the event that one of the applications begins to use an unusually large amount of Internet traffic, this immediately becomes apparent on the corresponding statistics graph.

Super Security is a guarantee of safety. One thing you should be especially concerned about if you use free or public Wi-Fi hotspots – they are more prone to spreading malware than other types of Internet connection.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer fasttrack
License Free app
Date updated Jun 7, 2018
Number of downloads 2078

Download Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security)

Download Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) (1.4.5) APK
8.11 MB

How to Install Virus Cleaner - Antivirus Cleaner (Super Security) on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

FAQ: Downloading and Setup

  • How to download app from the site
  • How to install APK / XAPK or APKs files
  • How to remove an app from Android

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