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Full access to all directories, folders and files

Total Commander is a popular file manager carefully transferred by developers from a computer platform to a mobile OS, which from its older brother got the richest functionality, multiplied by convenient touch controls, which will allow the user to control all content on a mobile device. Take more – now users have the opportunity to access hidden system files, which allows them to get the most out of the “superuser” mode (requires root rights beforehand), naturally recommended only for experienced users.

Total Commander is a convenient interaction with individual files, folders and even entire directories that you can rename, change the extension, view properties and types, copy, move and delete, work with archives (packing and unpacking), Web -resources and FTP clients (installation of additional plug-ins is required). Naturally, the guys from C. Ghisler did not forget to build into the product a convenient text editor, a multimedia player with the ability to play from the local network, as well as a search engine for quickly finding the desired object by name.

The main and widely used functionality of Total Commander, such as moving, deleting, unzipping, can be used by novice users almost immediately. But even professionals will have to study the special options for some time, for which the developers offer detailed reference material in several languages ​​(German, English, Czech, Russian and Ukrainian), which will help to explore the full range of possibilities in working with this useful tool.

Screen Captures

Screenshot SFTPplugin for Total Commander 1
Screenshot SFTPplugin for Total Commander 2
Screenshot SFTPplugin for Total Commander 3
Screenshot SFTPplugin for Total Commander 4

Technical specifications of the latest version 2.91

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 2.0 (Eclair) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) C. Ghisler
License Free app
Date updated Sep 28, 2019
Number of downloads 1401
Genre Tools / Mobile application

Download SFTPplugin for Total Commander APK

Get the Latest Version (2.91) - Free & Safe Download

Download SFTPplugin for Total Commander apk 2.91
File size: 2.07 MB armeabi, mips, x86 Original full version without MODs

Old versions

SFTPplugin for Total Commander 1.0beta1 Android 1.5+ (1.01 MB)
SFTPplugin for Total Commander 2.01 Android 1.5+ (0.96 MB)
SFTPplugin for Total Commander 2.01 Android 1.5+ (0.30 MB)

All versions

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