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Bus & Train Schedules for Android

Download free 50.98 MB

Timing, navigation & trip planning for all transit types.1 app to plan,pay,ride

Moovit is a great free public transport route planning app where you can quickly choose the least crowded route and save time. The data in the application is loaded from the community. The map shows your location in real time and you can see the nearest bus lines.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Moovit 1
Screenshot Moovit 2
Screenshot Moovit 3
Screenshot Moovit 4
Screenshot Moovit 5
Screenshot Moovit 6
Screenshot Moovit 7
Screenshot Moovit 8

Technical specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play ID) com.tranzmate
Author (Developer) Moovit
License Free app
Date updated Mar 28, 2023
Number of downloads 1230
Genre Travels

English (+45 localizations)

Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules Download APK

Latest version:

Download Moovit apk ARMv8, ARMv7, x86, x86-64
File size: 50.98 MB Original full version without MODs Direct link

Old versions

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Global rating: 4.4 (1.3M)

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Григорий, на этом сайте приложения подходят только для андроид-телефонов. на айфон установить не получиться

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