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Boom Slingers


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Online arcade game with turn-based battles and explosive gameplay

Video of Boom Slingers
Screenshot Boom Slingers 1
Screenshot Boom Slingers 2
Screenshot Boom Slingers 3
Screenshot Boom Slingers 4
Screenshot Boom Slingers 5
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Screenshot Boom Slingers 7
Screenshot Boom Slingers 8

Boom Slingers – turn-based battles on the playing field, reminiscent of the duels of the legendary Worms. Only instead of fighting worms in the arena, interdimensional creatures called Slingers meet in mortal combat, who travel through the worlds and occupy them. Defeat your opponent with the help of cards, each of which symbolizes a specific type of weapon.

Throw bombs, throwing knives and boomerangs at your opponent. Burn with laser and radioactive projectiles. Attack with cows, war horses and brutal chickens. Try to physically destroy the enemy or throw them off the platform. To strike, you need to wait for a turn, select a card with a weapon and aim using the mechanics from the Angry Birds project. Launch a weapon into a deadly flight like a slingshot, considering that the charge is also deadly for your character, so be careful and careful.


  • dozens of cards with unique combat characteristics;
  • single player mode and team fights in the PvP arena;
  • fights with friends or random opponents;
  • unlock new characters and weapons;
  • destructible multi-tiered platforms.

The Boom Slingers playing field is a miniature piece of land with outlandish terrain that acts as a natural cover and often prevents the enemy from firing direct fire. It should also be borne in mind that the platform is gradually flooded, and is also subject to destruction, so it will be enough with an accurate shot to split a section of the earth’s firmament under the enemy in order to send it to the forefathers.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.tuokio.boomslingers
Developer Supersonic Studios LTD
License Free app
Date updated May 24, 2024
Number of downloads 35
Available languages

English (+91 localizations)

Download Boom Slingers

Download Boom Slingers (4.1.3) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
127.03 MB

How to Install Boom Slingers on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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