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Text role-playing adventure in a fantasy world

Video of Разрушители
Screenshot Разрушители 1
Screenshot Разрушители 2
Screenshot Разрушители 3
Screenshot Разрушители 4
Screenshot Разрушители 5
Screenshot Разрушители 6
Screenshot Разрушители 7
Screenshot Разрушители 8

Destroyers – a successful attempt by the developers of the Overmobile studio to give a new round of development to such a genre as “text RPG”, about which modern users have only an approximate idea. Embark on an exciting and dangerous adventure, fighting against computer bots and real gamers. The mechanics of fights involves step-by-step execution of the actions of each of the parties – make your move and wait for the opponent’s response, and this continues until one of the opponents wins.

Each character in the Destroyers project has three main indicators – Health, Strength and Armor, which will have to be monitored periodically, adhering to the ideal balance. I am glad that after the start of the duel, if the gamer feels that his hero’s strength is not enough to win, he can retreat, so to speak, retreat in order to meet this opponent again after the appropriate modernization of his fighter. Pumping is carried out through the distribution of skill points between the available parameters, at the same time the overall level of the ward increases.

Great importance in the role-playing project Destroyers is given to weapons and equipment, moreover, some samples fall out as trophies from defeated enemies. Provide your character with high-quality elements – a helmet, knee pads, shoulder pads, boots, pants, and so on, as they are also taken into account in the total skill level of a brave traveler in a fantasy universe. You can communicate with allies directly during the game through the built-in chat, this adds liveliness and variety to the gameplay.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID net.wapsmskey.mrush
Developer Overmobile
License Free app
Date updated Jun 11, 2024
Number of downloads 408
Available languages

English (+84 localizations)

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3.04 MB

How to Install Разрушители on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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