The protagonist of the Shipwrecked: Castaway Island adventure project, being an experienced navigator, has long been accustomed to unexpected situations that are the norm during long-distance travels. Therefore, the most terrible moments in the eyes of an ordinary person, he meets with optimism, and the next shipwreck was no exception to the rule. With regret and bitterness, following the ship that went to the bottom like a stone, the hero climbed ashore, simultaneously pulling a sultry beauty out of the water …
To help the brave Tribez, and this is how our hero is called, is for users who have installed the project Shipwrecked: Castaway Island on their Android devices. Active actions and passing missions in the new product from Rockyou Inc. studio. performed with just one touch. Did you find a chest washed ashore by the waves, useful tools or dry brushwood for a fire? Just tap on an object or a separate group of elements, and the character and his comrades will independently complete your undertaking by applying the required algorithm of actions to the find.
In the first stages of Shipwrecked: Castaway Island, gamers need to prepare the territory for the construction of a primitive settlement, enlisting the help of pirates, who, as it turned out, are not at all aggressive and are ready to join the Tribez team. We chop trees, build huts out of them, cover the roof with branches, hunt and collect edible roots, cook a delicious dinner on the fire and invite workers to a meal in order to replenish strength and gain optimism for further achievements. As you progress through the levels, users will be able to unlock valuable items and new locations, and all this will be needed to turn a simple settlement into a flourishing city.
Shipwrecked download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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