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Blade Smash


Download APK for Android 5.0+ 1.1.8 Free 93.13 MB Original without MODs Trusted

A 2D anime action game rich in game modes

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Blade Smash is a sparkling action game with elements of role-playing development, which takes place in the locations of the anime universe, and the abundance of game modes will pleasantly surprise even picky gamers. A novelty from Asian developers offers an intuitive control system with just one touch, a large selection of colorful characters and an epic story, traditionally based on the endless struggle between the forces of good and evil. But this seeming simplicity easily pays off with enchanting fights and colorful animation inserts with an abundance of textual information.

The Blade Smash project offers to keep your character under control and move it from side to side during the duel with the familiar joystick on the left side, and the user will be able to perform regular and combined attacks using a set of buttons located on the right side. Moreover, it is very important to remember the correct order of tapping on the icons, because this is the only way they can be folded into really effective smashing blows that leave the opponent no chance of winning.

Of the game modes, the developers Blade Smash generously offer gamers a three-on-three team fight, a deadly duel with a computer opponent, a “royal battle” between a quartet of gamers, and the passage of quest tasks, and the Great Battle with the need passing several hundred rounds without defeat. From the player, the novelty requires maximum concentration and full calculation – increase the level of each fighter from your squad, complete story missions for valuable rewards and regalia. But the main thing is to memorize the whole range of combo attacks, and then you will have no equal on gaming locations!

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer gu3
License Free app
Date updated Jan 20, 2019
Number of downloads 41

Download Blade Smash

Download Blade Smash (1.1.8) APK
ARMv7, x86
93.13 MB

How to Install Blade Smash on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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