Robot City Battle – a deadly confrontation between robotic fighters who can take the form of cars, as well as steel killers armed with the most deadly weapons. According to the plot, in the world of the future there is a fierce war between two factions – you are invited to become a representative of one of the parties to the conflict. Your transformer has been sent to the camp of the enemy with a sabotage mission, which is to disable the maximum number of enemy units. Most likely, in the final, your fighter will turn into a pile of iron, because there are darkness of enemies, and he is alone, but in the end, he simply must thoroughly show off.
At the start of Robot City Battle , except for powerful fists that can turn opponents into a steel cake, your character has nothing. But by completing missions and earning game currency in the future, you can get hold of not only powerful large-caliber weapons, but also change the main character to a more powerful model, for example, a flying robot – from a height, all enemies are at a glance, which means that the chances of success increase exponentially .
The decision to change the appearance from a robot to a car is made by the user in Robot City Battle depending on the situation – four wheels are perfect for quickly overcoming long distances, but, unfortunately, the process of driving a vehicle is implemented very inconveniently. But the control system over the robotic fighter is worthy of all praise – he can run fast, jump high, aim accurately and destroy enemies without stopping, earning resources to buy the coolest equipment.
Robot City Battle download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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