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Snake Clash



Download XAPK for Android 6.0+ 11.0.0 Free 204.50 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Consume your opponents and grow into the greatest snake in the arena in this exciting survival simulator!

Video of Snake Clash
Screenshot Snake Clash 1
Screenshot Snake Clash 2
Screenshot Snake Clash 3
Screenshot Snake Clash 4
Screenshot Snake Clash 5

Survive battles with snakes and play the best survival simulator Snake Clash!. Start the game as a small snake and eat small snakes while completely immersed in sliding across the playing field. Your character is always hungry and constantly hunting for smaller snakes. By eating them, he grows in size and takes gliding to a new level.


Become a participant in evolution and devour other snakes that are smaller than your hero in size. The entire battlefield is filled with snakes that move chaotically and eat smaller characters. Manipulate your hero. to outsmart the enemy and show your strength and unstoppability. Climb the food ladder and eat even more snakes.


Epic battles with numerous bosses at every stage of the game will give you self-confidence and help you acquire new skills and develop your own strategy. Skillfully manipulate the game hero and defeat the formidable enemy. Show your strength and power on the battlefield and conquer new heights in crushing victories over bosses.


Collect snake skins on the battlefield and change skins to give your hero a unique look and make him stand out from the crowd. Thanks to unique skins, you will be able to dominate the battlefield and display your own personality.


Challenge and invite your friends or strangers from all over the world to fight on the battlefield. Experience the emotions of a multiplayer game and feel the taste of victory. Satisfy the feeling of excitement and become the best snake in the arena.

To play, you do not need to be able to connect to the Internet, because you can also play offline. Whether you’re on a plane, train, boat or other form of transport, enjoy fun, funny adventures without being connected. Join the huge Snake Clash community now and fight victorious battles on your smartphone.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 6.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID io.supercent.linkedcubic
Developer Supercent
License Free app
Date updated Jun 18, 2024
Number of downloads 3
Available languages

English (+106 localizations)

Download Snake Clash

Download Snake Clash (11.0.0) XAPK
204.50 MB
How to Install the APK Bundle (apks/xapk)

APK Bundles contain multiple APKs optimized for various device configurations.

  1. Download the APK Bundle file (usually with a '.apks' or '.xapk' extension)
  2. You'll need a split APK installer app to handle the installation. One popular option is Split APKs Installer (SAI).
  3. Launch the Split APK Installer (SAI) app on your device.
  4. In SAI, tap the "Install APKs" button.
  5. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the APK Bundle file and select it.
  6. SAI will display a list of APKs included in the bundle. Select the ones you want to install, and then tap "Install."
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of each APK.
  8. Once installed, you can open and use the app as you normally would.

Installing XAPK or APK Bundle files may seem more complex than regular APKs, but it allows for optimized app installations on various device configurations.

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Global rating: 4.4 (218.7K)

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